Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Please note these are common general questions and are not meant to be all inclusive of the many guidelines and policies for our school and district. View the CCSD59 Family Reference Guide for complete information.
Starting Time: 8:45 a.m. l Dismissal Time: 3:35 p.m. l Students will dismiss one hour early every Wednesday during the school year.
Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
All visitors will be expected to enter through the main front doors on Kennedy Boulevard. (Door No. 1). Upon entering, please ring the bell and the office staff will buzz you into the school. Please proceed directly into the office, sign in, and receive a visitor’s badge.
Parents/guardians who need to drop off a forgotten item or a lunch are asked to leave it in the office. These items will be delivered to the classrooms twice daily.
If a student or parent needs to enter the building before or after office hours for school clubs, the club director would be responsible for entry and/or dismissal, as there will be no one in the office to buzz you into the school.
Attendance Line (24 hours): (847) 472-3881
No students should be in the building before 8:25 a.m. except by special permission.
Students who are not in their homeroom/first period class when the bell rings will be considered tardy and must get a tardy slip from the main office. Repeated tardiness will result in parent/guardian contact and/or student disciplinary action.
Parents/guardians must call in all absences to the school office (847) 593-4375 by 9:15 A.M. each day a student is absent. You may call the 24-hour attendance line at (847) 472-3881 to report absences outside of office hours.
If a call is not received, a parent/guardian will be contacted at home or at work. If you cannot be reached and we suspect the possibility of truancy, local police may be contacted.
Excessive absences may prevent students from being included in activities. On the day a student is absent, participation/attendance at after- school or evening activities is not allowed without an administratorʼs permission.
If a student is going to be absent for an extended period of time, parents/guardians may call to request assignments be collected.
Students who walk or get a ride to and from school will enter through the front main doors. The front circle is the designated drop off area for cars. There is no parking in the front circle drive. In order to help traffic move smoothly, please be sure that your child is ready to exit the car and that he or she exits on the passenger side. If you need to accompany your child for any reason, you must park in the parking lot, enter through the main doors, and go to the office to sign in. Students will be let in at the first bell at 8:35 a.m. so they need not arrive much sooner than that time. The final bell rings at 8:45 a.m., so please plan to drop off by 9:00 a.m. so that your child will not be tardy.
The rear doors are used only for the entry and dismissal of bus students. We have bus supervisors in place to assist with the entry/dismissal of students to and from the buses.
Bicycle riders should observe highway safety rules. Children who abuse bicycle safety rules will lose the privilege of riding their bicycles to school.
For your child’s safety, please review the following information with your child:
- Obey all traffic signs and signals, and safety rules.
- Only one child on a bicycle at a time.
- Bicycles must be parked in only the designated areas.
- When a student reaches the school grounds, he must walk the bicycle slowly and proceed to the area provided for parking.
- When the bicycle is not in use and left in the parking area, it must be locked.
- Students are expected to wear helmets.
Backpacks are not to be used in classrooms. Students may use them only for transporting belongings to and from school and must be stored except for this purpose.
If it should be necessary for a student to be dismissed from school early, a request must be written by the parent stating the time and reason for the early dismissal. All requests must be presented to the office when students enter the building in the morning. The office will issue an early dismissal pass for the student to present to teachers. Parents/guardians must come to the office to sign their children out of school before picking them up for departure.
No child may leave the school grounds during the day unless escorted by their parent or guardian. If you need to pick up your child early, please send a note to the teacher that morning, and pick up the child as well as sign him/her out at the office at the appropriate time. Please note that your child will be marked absent for either a half or full day if he or she is gone longer than 25 – 40 minutes.
Parents and students are asked to make careful choices about clothing, footwear and outerwear. When choosing clothing each day, keep in mind the appropriateness of clothing in terms of: warmth, modesty, safety and practicality for the school setting. We ask you to carefully follow the guideline below in order to maintain both safety and a focus on learning.
- Children need to have shoes that are appropriate for playing outside on the playground or field. Flip-flops, high-heeled sandals/boots/shoes are not safe for outdoor play. If a child wears any shoe that is considered unsafe, he or she will need to change into gym shoes before going outside for recess.
- Children need to have appropriate gym shoes available on gym days. These need to me non-marking soled gym shoes.
- The following items are prohibited at all times at Salt Creek: bare midriffs, spaghetti straps or halter tops, and short miniskirts. (Skirts should be no shorter than arms length when arms are resting at the sides.)
Dressing for Outdoor Recess
- Weather permitting; the students go outside for recess daily. On days when it is raining or when the wind chill temperature drops below 10 degrees, students will remain in their classrooms for recess. All other days require that the students be “dressed for the weather”.
- Students are asked to wear jackets at recess when the temperature is 45 degrees or below. In addition, if students wish to play on the playground equipment or in the field when it is snowy, they must wear boots and snow pants. Students not dressed appropriately will need to remain on the blacktop.
Cell phone use is not permitted in the school or on the school bus and students are discourages from bringing them to school. Phones are allowed in school under the condition that the phone will be kept in the locker and turned off. Loss or theft of cell phones is not the responsibility of the school.
Phone use can occur before or after school hours outside the school building. If a phone is found with the student during the school day, or the student operates the phone during the school day, the phone will be confiscated and a parent must come to school to retrieve their student’s phone.
Parents/guardians are asked to help us enforce this policy and are also asked to refrain from calling or texting their children during the school day while classes are in session. If a student needs to make a call during the school day, a teacher can give permission to use the classroom phone. Students can also use the office phone in some instances.
Educational field study trips are planned by the teacher for specific instructional goals. Since this experience is an extension of the classroom learning experience, children should not be kept home when a trip is scheduled.
Each student is issued a hall cubby. It is important to remember:
- Cubbies remain the property of the school and can be inspected at any time by teachers or administrators
- Students may only go to their cubby before school, before and after their lunch/recess period, and after school
- Cubbies are used only for storing books, clothing, and items necessary for school- money and other valuables should never be left in cubbies
- Cubbies are to be kept clean and orderly, and students will be held responsible for any damage to cubbies
- No decorations are allowed on the outside of the cubby
To keep classroom interruptions to a minimum, students expecting items forgotten at home will not be called to the office. It is the student’s responsibility to check in the office to see if it has arrived after asking the teacher’s permission. Students who are expecting a lunch will be allowed to come to pick it up from the office after asking the lunch supervisor’s permission.
The district Student Health and Safety Information page contains all information regarding medical care at school.
Please refer to the school calendar for the most up to date information on end of grading periods and report card distribution.
Parents/guardians and students can access student grades any time through Skyward Family Access. by signing in using the username and password given to them at the beginning of the school year.
There are a number of behaviors students should avoid at all costs. The following items should never be brought to school, under any circumstances:
- weapons
- drugs or drug paraphernalia
- alcohol
- lighters
If your child is found to be in possession of any of these items at school, you and your child could possibly be called to appear before the Board of Education at a hearing facing expulsion (permanent or semi-permanent removal) from District 59 schools. Please be extremely diligent about what your child brings to school, whether in his/her pockets, in a backpack, or in a musical instrument case. We strive to provide all of our students with safe and secure learning environments.
Free bus service is available to:
- Kindergarten children who live more than one mile from school
- Children in first through eighth grades who live more than one and a half miles from school
- Children who live where street and highway hazards render walking unsafe.
Door to door transportation is only available in a special vehicle in cases of temporary or long-term physical disability.
If a student should receive a misconduct report for the first time, the student will need to have a conference with the principal to go over the expected rules on the bus. If a child receives a second misconduct report, the child will stay for an after school detention in the office. If a student receives a third misconduct report, the student will have a permanent seat assigned in the front of the bus for the remainder of the school year. If a child receives a fourth misconduct report, the child will lose his/her privilege to ride the bus to and from school for a period of time determined by the principal.
- Students must board the bus in an orderly manner and go to their seats immediately and sit down
- Students will remain seated at all times when the bus is moving.
- Students will keep arms, hands, and other parts of the body inside the bus – never through the windows.
- Students must not throw waste paper or other rubbish on the floor of the bus or out of the window. Students must help keep the bus clean, sanitary, and orderly at all times.
- Students must keep books, packages, coats, and all other objects out of the aisles.
- Classroom conduct must be observed in the bus. Ordinary conversation is permitted; never shout or make loud noises that may distract the driver and endanger all of the students on the bus.
- Students must recognize that playing or fighting on the bus may distract the driver.
- Students must report at once to the driver any damage to the bus.
- Students must refrain from unnecessary conversation with the driver.
- Students must be on time at the designated bus stops; the bus cannot wait beyond its regular time schedule for those who are tardy.
- Students must not stand in the traffic lanes while waiting for the bus.
- When students must cross the road to be picked up, the driver after looking for approaching cars beckons them to cross. Students must await the proper signal from the driver and cross promptly.
All prices and menu items can be found on the district School Nutrition page.
Please note these are common general questions and are not meant to be all inclusive of the many guidelines and policies for our school and district. View the CCSD59 Family Reference Guide for complete information.
Starting Time: 8:45 a.m. l Dismissal Time: 3:35 p.m. l Students will dismiss one hour early every Wednesday during the school year.
Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
All visitors will be expected to enter through the main front doors on Kennedy Boulevard. (Door No. 1). Upon entering, please ring the bell and the office staff will buzz you into the school. Please proceed directly into the office, sign in, and receive a visitor’s badge.
Parents/guardians who need to drop off a forgotten item or a lunch are asked to leave it in the office. These items will be delivered to the classrooms twice daily.
If a student or parent needs to enter the building before or after office hours for school clubs, the club director would be responsible for entry and/or dismissal, as there will be no one in the office to buzz you into the school.
Attendance Line (24 hours): (847) 472-3881
No students should be in the building before 8:25 a.m. except by special permission.
Students who are not in their homeroom/first period class when the bell rings will be considered tardy and must get a tardy slip from the main office. Repeated tardiness will result in parent/guardian contact and/or student disciplinary action.
Parents/guardians must call in all absences to the school office (847) 593-4375 by 9:15 A.M. each day a student is absent. You may call the 24-hour attendance line at (847) 472-3881 to report absences outside of office hours.
If a call is not received, a parent/guardian will be contacted at home or at work. If you cannot be reached and we suspect the possibility of truancy, local police may be contacted.
Excessive absences may prevent students from being included in activities. On the day a student is absent, participation/attendance at after- school or evening activities is not allowed without an administratorʼs permission.
If a student is going to be absent for an extended period of time, parents/guardians may call to request assignments be collected.
Students who walk or get a ride to and from school will enter through the front main doors. The front circle is the designated drop off area for cars. There is no parking in the front circle drive. In order to help traffic move smoothly, please be sure that your child is ready to exit the car and that he or she exits on the passenger side. If you need to accompany your child for any reason, you must park in the parking lot, enter through the main doors, and go to the office to sign in. Students will be let in at the first bell at 8:35 a.m. so they need not arrive much sooner than that time. The final bell rings at 8:45 a.m., so please plan to drop off by 9:00 a.m. so that your child will not be tardy.
The rear doors are used only for the entry and dismissal of bus students. We have bus supervisors in place to assist with the entry/dismissal of students to and from the buses.
Bicycle riders should observe highway safety rules. Children who abuse bicycle safety rules will lose the privilege of riding their bicycles to school.
For your child’s safety, please review the following information with your child:
- Obey all traffic signs and signals, and safety rules.
- Only one child on a bicycle at a time.
- Bicycles must be parked in only the designated areas.
- When a student reaches the school grounds, he must walk the bicycle slowly and proceed to the area provided for parking.
- When the bicycle is not in use and left in the parking area, it must be locked.
- Students are expected to wear helmets.
Backpacks are not to be used in classrooms. Students may use them only for transporting belongings to and from school and must be stored except for this purpose.
If it should be necessary for a student to be dismissed from school early, a request must be written by the parent stating the time and reason for the early dismissal. All requests must be presented to the office when students enter the building in the morning. The office will issue an early dismissal pass for the student to present to teachers. Parents/guardians must come to the office to sign their children out of school before picking them up for departure.
No child may leave the school grounds during the day unless escorted by their parent or guardian. If you need to pick up your child early, please send a note to the teacher that morning, and pick up the child as well as sign him/her out at the office at the appropriate time. Please note that your child will be marked absent for either a half or full day if he or she is gone longer than 25 – 40 minutes.
Parents and students are asked to make careful choices about clothing, footwear and outerwear. When choosing clothing each day, keep in mind the appropriateness of clothing in terms of: warmth, modesty, safety and practicality for the school setting. We ask you to carefully follow the guideline below in order to maintain both safety and a focus on learning.
- Children need to have shoes that are appropriate for playing outside on the playground or field. Flip-flops, high-heeled sandals/boots/shoes are not safe for outdoor play. If a child wears any shoe that is considered unsafe, he or she will need to change into gym shoes before going outside for recess.
- Children need to have appropriate gym shoes available on gym days. These need to me non-marking soled gym shoes.
- The following items are prohibited at all times at Salt Creek: bare midriffs, spaghetti straps or halter tops, and short miniskirts. (Skirts should be no shorter than arms length when arms are resting at the sides.)
Dressing for Outdoor Recess
- Weather permitting; the students go outside for recess daily. On days when it is raining or when the wind chill temperature drops below 10 degrees, students will remain in their classrooms for recess. All other days require that the students be “dressed for the weather”.
- Students are asked to wear jackets at recess when the temperature is 45 degrees or below. In addition, if students wish to play on the playground equipment or in the field when it is snowy, they must wear boots and snow pants. Students not dressed appropriately will need to remain on the blacktop.
Cell phone use is not permitted in the school or on the school bus and students are discourages from bringing them to school. Phones are allowed in school under the condition that the phone will be kept in the locker and turned off. Loss or theft of cell phones is not the responsibility of the school.
Phone use can occur before or after school hours outside the school building. If a phone is found with the student during the school day, or the student operates the phone during the school day, the phone will be confiscated and a parent must come to school to retrieve their student’s phone.
Parents/guardians are asked to help us enforce this policy and are also asked to refrain from calling or texting their children during the school day while classes are in session. If a student needs to make a call during the school day, a teacher can give permission to use the classroom phone. Students can also use the office phone in some instances.
Educational field study trips are planned by the teacher for specific instructional goals. Since this experience is an extension of the classroom learning experience, children should not be kept home when a trip is scheduled.
Each student is issued a hall cubby. It is important to remember:
- Cubbies remain the property of the school and can be inspected at any time by teachers or administrators
- Students may only go to their cubby before school, before and after their lunch/recess period, and after school
- Cubbies are used only for storing books, clothing, and items necessary for school- money and other valuables should never be left in cubbies
- Cubbies are to be kept clean and orderly, and students will be held responsible for any damage to cubbies
- No decorations are allowed on the outside of the cubby
To keep classroom interruptions to a minimum, students expecting items forgotten at home will not be called to the office. It is the student’s responsibility to check in the office to see if it has arrived after asking the teacher’s permission. Students who are expecting a lunch will be allowed to come to pick it up from the office after asking the lunch supervisor’s permission.
The district Student Health and Safety Information page contains all information regarding medical care at school.
Please refer to the school calendar for the most up to date information on end of grading periods and report card distribution.
Parents/guardians and students can access student grades any time through Skyward Family Access. by signing in using the username and password given to them at the beginning of the school year.
There are a number of behaviors students should avoid at all costs. The following items should never be brought to school, under any circumstances:
- weapons
- drugs or drug paraphernalia
- alcohol
- lighters
If your child is found to be in possession of any of these items at school, you and your child could possibly be called to appear before the Board of Education at a hearing facing expulsion (permanent or semi-permanent removal) from District 59 schools. Please be extremely diligent about what your child brings to school, whether in his/her pockets, in a backpack, or in a musical instrument case. We strive to provide all of our students with safe and secure learning environments.
Free bus service is available to:
- Kindergarten children who live more than one mile from school
- Children in first through eighth grades who live more than one and a half miles from school
- Children who live where street and highway hazards render walking unsafe.
Door to door transportation is only available in a special vehicle in cases of temporary or long-term physical disability.
If a student should receive a misconduct report for the first time, the student will need to have a conference with the principal to go over the expected rules on the bus. If a child receives a second misconduct report, the child will stay for an after school detention in the office. If a student receives a third misconduct report, the student will have a permanent seat assigned in the front of the bus for the remainder of the school year. If a child receives a fourth misconduct report, the child will lose his/her privilege to ride the bus to and from school for a period of time determined by the principal.
- Students must board the bus in an orderly manner and go to their seats immediately and sit down
- Students will remain seated at all times when the bus is moving.
- Students will keep arms, hands, and other parts of the body inside the bus – never through the windows.
- Students must not throw waste paper or other rubbish on the floor of the bus or out of the window. Students must help keep the bus clean, sanitary, and orderly at all times.
- Students must keep books, packages, coats, and all other objects out of the aisles.
- Classroom conduct must be observed in the bus. Ordinary conversation is permitted; never shout or make loud noises that may distract the driver and endanger all of the students on the bus.
- Students must recognize that playing or fighting on the bus may distract the driver.
- Students must report at once to the driver any damage to the bus.
- Students must refrain from unnecessary conversation with the driver.
- Students must be on time at the designated bus stops; the bus cannot wait beyond its regular time schedule for those who are tardy.
- Students must not stand in the traffic lanes while waiting for the bus.
- When students must cross the road to be picked up, the driver after looking for approaching cars beckons them to cross. Students must await the proper signal from the driver and cross promptly.
All prices and menu items can be found on the district School Nutrition page.